Can Smart Lockers be Good for Your Health?
In this age of globalization, the modern world is rapidly changing. E-commerce forces these changes more and more. Online resellers, apartment complex owners, retail store managers, and strip-mall developers update their business activities with the new way of e-commerce. During covid-19, they are all searching for the safest medium to deliver their goods to their current and potential customers. To remain safe and healthy during covid-19, customers need a contactless delivery system. In this growing trend, businesses are relying heavily on “Smart Lockers” to deliver their products. J.I.T. Concierge’s smart lockers or “JIT Lockers” have given new life to the Click-to-Brick (C2B) sector.
C2B is the practice of clicking the mouse to purchase products online, then picking up the awaiting products in traditional brick and mortar stores. It is now considered the safest medium of contactless delivery, especially during the covid-19 era.
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